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 The Back Story of The Cliff Bottom Outlaws on Earth

It really shouldn't be a surprise as to how the Kurri got wind of the existence of the Cliff Bottom Outlaws. This was the outlaw group most notorious for its deviousness, under handedness, and just plain brassy courage and ruthlessness. This particular outlaw group was already world renowned for being the very best kidnappers, They were the best of the best.  These were all the behaviors and traits the traits that the beasts were looking for in the humans they needed to carry out the special project on earth. They wanted to kidnap as many humans from Earth as possible, and deliver them to the planet Gor for a wide variety of reasons.  The CBO outlaws would be perfect for the job, but they would not go willingly.

The Kurri Made arrangements with a rather large army of mercenaries. The Kurri also use their special cloaking skills to investigate and find out where the outlaw group was headquartered.

It wasn't long before the attack occurred, and the unsuspecting outlaws were caught flat-footed. They were outnumbered and overwhelmed. The Kurri broke the back of the staunch defense put up by the outlaws. The cloaking skills of the Kurri were used to flank the outlaws while the outlaws focused on the massive mercenary army.  None of the Outlaws were killed, and they were ALL captured.

The outlaws were dragged through the blood of the dead mercenaries, and they were brought to the Kurri spaceship where they were put in cryo chambers, and drugged. Implants were inserted deep into the brain, that would explode at the discretion on the Kurri if the the Outlaws did not do the bidding of the Kurri.  The outlaws were easily compelled and convinced to do the dirty work of the Kurri on earth, which was the  KIDNAPPING of as many earthliings as possible, and the delivery of them to the Kurri was their duty, and these viscous, heartless acts  assured their own survival.

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